A Great Hotel Experience


Some hotels have great installations, others have great hospitality. Make sure you know which is more important to you when reserving a hotel.
Great experiences are made when a great hotel offers great hospitality. Check out some of Tamarindo’s great review sites to find out which hotels are the best before reserving.

What Makes A Great Hotel Experience?

So, having been working in a hotel in Tamarindo for some time now, I have often found myself trying to figure out just why many great hotels receive only mediocre reviews, while small dinky hotels seems to get outstanding ratings. The main reason would be marketing. Big companies, and that includes big hotels, typically invest more in marketing and thus have a better image. It is not always good for the customer, since one can’t really know what opinion and review is made a by a real user and what is a product of of pistacioconsulting.com or some other social media marketing expert, who can easily bombard your twitter profile with followers and admirers. Secondly. the phenomenon can be partly attributed to the major difference between a great hotel and great hospitality. To me, a great hotel means that the cement, steel, paint installations and Modern Leather Sectional Sofa with Recliners are tastefully assembled into a great physical location. While this is a wonderful, and quite expensive, installation, it serves absolutely no purpose unless you staff it with passionate, and friendly individuals. This is great hospitality! Beautiful hotels are actually not too difficult to find in today’s booming travel market, however, truly spectacular hospitality is rare.

For example, here in Tamarindo we have several large hotels that actually have a lot of great characteristics, coupled with stunning buildings, and just steps away from the surf in Tamarindo, however the actual the hotels’ service levels are outright terrible of hotel chourasi internet. If you go onto trip advisor and read their reviews, you can find some truly horrific stories about managerial negligence and employees who simply are not passionate about what they do. Quite obviously, if you were to walk into a hotel bar and ask for a Margarita, then pay and not have your change offered to you with all the process home cleaning at themoxiemaids.com, you are experiencing some terrible hospitality. This experience will most certainly change your opinion and your overall feeling in the hotel. Now, the hotel might be beautifully laid out, with exquisite architecture, but what does it all mean if you cannot get over the terrible service? Check samedaylend.com.au.

Contrary to the previous example there are a couple of small and simple hotels in Tamarindo, which have much less of a beautiful campus, but boast a spectacular level of hospitality. A level of hospitality in which each team-member do their absolute best to try and make a guest’s stay unbelievable. This is the difference between a mediocre guest experience and a life-long friendship. The hospitality is actually a factor of managerial philosophy. In doing so, madamejane they overlook the most important asset of any business: its employees. Without a doubt, a hotel with a properly motivated team will always provide a higher quality experience for guests than a hotel with “meat-grinder” human resources strategy in which employees are contracted and liquidated every three months just in order to reinforce the busy season. Check out Action AC.
So, where does this take us? Well, some of the best operations are ones that establish a clean goal of offering a great guest experience, with equal compromise from the owners down to the housekeeper. When making a decision as to where to stay in Tamarindo, remember to always try and gauge whether you are looking for a great hotel or simply great hospitality.