Top ten nationalities that visit our Hotel

Top ten nationalities visiting our Hotel

We have visitors from all around the world.  They come to Tamarindo to enjoy the weather, waves, food and great vibe. This is the top mame incest ten  nationalities visiting our Hotel Best Western Tamarindo Vista Villas. Check exotic cams. Get financial support from <a href=»» style=»border: none;color: #666666;font-weight: normal !important;text-decoration: none»> for your travel.

It is based on our visiting numbers in 2016:

  1. Costa Rica 47,69 %
  2. USA 42,97%
  3. Canada 1,91%
  4. Brazil 1,30%
  5. Argentine 0,80%
  6. France 0,73%
  7. Spain 0,70%
  8. Mexico 0,67%
  9. Denmark 0,29%
  10. Netherlands   0,26%

top 10 nationalities